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Dealing with Feelings of Failure After Deciding to Move Forward with A Florida Divorce

Florida DivorceIt is never easy to come to the determination that you want file divorce with the help of a knowledgeable Florida family lawyer. However, after the dust is settled and you have received your divorce decree, you may realize that this was the right decision for you and your family members.

However, even in the best case situations where you recognize that this was the true best option as well as your spouse or other family members, it can be difficult to cope with the emotional aftermath of opting to get divorced.

Divorce carries a tremendous amount of social stigma as well as individual perception about how you contributed to the divorce. It is not uncommon for a person who has gone through a Florida divorce to turn the matter over and over in their head wondering what they could have done differently or how much of the fault lies with them regarding the dissolution of the marriage.

This can, in fact, be one of the most challenging aspects of dealing with the end of a marriage even if you are successfully remarried or have moved on.

For first time married couples, there is a 45 to 50% chance that the marriage will not make it. These odds only increase with future marriages. For a second marriage, for example, the odds rise to 60 to 67% that the marriage will end in divorce.

For a third marriage, the odds of divorce as high as 73%. Figuring out how to cope with the emotional aftermath can be extremely challenging. There is a lack of finality with divorce today, frequently because as a result of having children many couples must continue to keep in contact with one another for years to come.

Also Read:Tips for Getting Divorced When It Is Your Second or Third Marriage

This means difficult emotional barriers to jump over such as trying to find another partner after you yourself have been divorced or witnessing how the family dynamics for your former spouse are changing when they meet someone and incorporate this new individual into their own home and potentially the relationships with your own children. This can reignite all of the difficult, shameful or stigmatized feelings about getting divorced in the first place.

When a new partner comes into your former spouse's household, you may wonder what was so wrong with you or the two of you that you were unable to work it out. Meeting someone new on your end can be fraught with feelings of fear and anxiety that you won’t be good enough or that the similar mistakes might be made.

The best way to handle this situation is to reach out for emotional support from your friends, family and even professionals if you need it. Dealing with divorce is never easy, but giving yourself the opportunity to heal and plenty of opportunities to learn from the situation and bring those lessons forward into your new life is extremely valuable.

You should never beat yourself up about a decision that you have made in the past, particularly if it was in the best interest of you as well as your other family members.

Recognizing these feelings is the first critical step towards allowing yourself to heal from the difficult situation of coping with major changes in your life after a divorce. Recognize that these feelings are coming and do your best not to resist them.

If you are contemplating going through a divorce in Florida, one of the best ways you can support yourself is to think carefully about who you will select as your Florida divorce attorney. This person may become a confidant and a source of support during one of the most challenging times of your life.

Contact An Experience Florida Divorce Lawyer for Legal Help

Your Florida divorce attorney should have relevant experience in the field and be comfortable telling you how your case may be expected to unfold in the Florida courts.

Having someone that you can trust for the duration of your divorce will make it easier for you to cope with the legal issues of ending the marriage as well as how you are able to move on once the final divorce decree has been handed down.

If you are thinking about getting a divorce in Florida, make sure to set up a consultation with the Florida family divorce lawyer as soon as possible so that you can have a clear understanding of what to expect as well as ensure that you have selected the right person for the job.

Breaking the news to your kids can be hard, but we have tips for you in this blog:

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The Estevez-Pazos Law Firm, P.A.

135 San Lorenzo Avenue, Suite 650
Coral Gables, Florida 33146
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