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Divorce Disolution of Marriage

Miami Divorce Attorney | Dissolution of Marriage

Divorce Attorney Miami / Coral Gables

In Florida, the official term for divorce is “dissolution of marriage.” Unlike in some other states, there is no requirement of “fault” in order to file for Miami divorce lawyer. The only requirement that you need to assert is that your marriage is “irretrievably broken.”

You or your spouse can file for dissolution as long as you prove:
You are married (marriage certificate)One of the parties has been a Florida resident for at least six monthsThe marriage cannot be fixed and dissolution is your only resolution (irretrievably broken)
  • You are married (marriage certificate)
  • One of the parties has been a Florida resident for at least six months
  • The marriage cannot be fixed and dissolution is your only resolution (irretrievably broken)
Every dissolution is unique. While one couple may have children, another may have assets that must be distributed before the divorce is finalized. Therefore, it is important that each party work with a skilled Miami divorce lawyer that understands the current case law and relevant Florida Statutes.

We understand how emotionally trying and traumatic a divorce can be — especially for children. It is unlikely you or your spouse understand your legal rights or obligations during a dissolution. While a court clerk or website may answer some of these questions, only a skilled Miami family law attorney can provide you with legal advice about your divorce.

When handling your divorce, we take all factors into consideration, including:
  • Asset protection
  • Division of marital and non-marital assets
  • Child custody and support
  • Alimony
  • Real estate
  • Tax implications and consequences by consulting with a forensic accountant should your case require it

Miami Divorce Lawyer

We have a reputation with our clients for offering excellent service and zealous representation. The Estevez-Pazos Law Firm, P.A. cares about our clients and aggressively protects their rights and best interests.

Our firm understands that protecting any children involved during a divorce or paternity action is highly important — and that their parents need financial stability in order to adequately provide for them.

While we strive for a fast and amicable resolution to the satisfaction of our clients, we have a vast experience handling complex family law cases involving forensic accountants, mental health experts, and guardians ad item.

Some of the main areas we serve can be found below:
  • Coral Gables
  • Miami

Contact Experienced Miami Family Law Attorney

Schedule a consultation with an experienced Miami divorce lawyer today. Call now for your appointment 305-717-7130. Serving Miami area from our offices at 135 San Lorenzo Avenue, Suite 650, Coral Gables, Florida 331463.

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Clients Reviews

Maritza helped me to get through the process as quickly and as smoothly as possible. She answered my concerns and questions in a timely manner and offered guidance throughout the process. I was very pleased with the services I received. I highly recommend her.


The Estevez-Pazos Law Firm, P.A.

135 San Lorenzo Avenue, Suite 650
Coral Gables, Florida 33146
Se habla español
Fax: 305-234-7028
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