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Some “Do”s and “Don’t”s of Divorce Planning

If you are thinking about getting a divorce, there are some things you may consider doing – or not doing ahead of the divorce filing. These steps can help you get your proverbial house in order, so that when you file for divorce, you have your ducks in a row. A little planning can go a long way. Of course, if, during the planning stages, you decide it is best for you and your family to stay together, there is no harm done.

Do Create a Safety Plan

Divorce Planning

If you are even remotely concerned about your personal safety, implement a safety plan. There are professionals both locally and nationally who can assist. The National Domestic Violence Hotline can provide assistance in safety planning if you need it. Divorce can often trigger an abusive event. Planning for it ahead of time can help keep you and your children safe.

Don’t Start Dating

While Florida is a no fault state, and adultery allegations will not impact most divorce decisions made by the court, dating is probably not the wisest choice at this stage in your life. Of course, if you have a prenuptial agreement that addresses adultery, this will trump the no fault laws of Florida. If you do decide to date, avoid introducing your new partner to your children while the divorce is pending. This helps reduce the confusion children feel during a divorce.

Do Consider Counseling

We are not recommending marriage counseling, but rather, individual counseling where you can sort through your feelings. Your counselor can be a sounding board, provide guidance about how to handle conflicting emotions, and offer you stress reduction tools. Divorce results in considerable upheaval even in the best of circumstances. Even a few counseling sessions can help calm the waters.

Don’t Hire the Wrong Attorney

The current state of law school education is the United States is a general approach, where everyone studies basically the same subjects, graduates, and takes the same bar exam. Once practicing, most attorneys start to specialize. However, there is nothing preventing the attorney who did your will from taking on your divorce. While you may be comfortable with your estate planning attorney, they are probably not the best choice for you in divorce court. Instead, find an attorney with experience handling divorce cases. Divorce can be complicated. Having the right attorney makes the process smoother and easier for you.

Do Take Your Time

There is no rush to get a divorce in most circumstances. Take your time making the decision. Whether you stay together or divorce, your decision has lasting consequences.

Considering Divorce?

If you are considering divorce, contact the Estevez-Pazos Law Firm for a consultation. With more than 13 years in family law practice, Maritza Estevez-Pazos can help you with the divorce planning process. Every divorce is different. What might work for some families won’t work for others. Figuring out your best divorce is a process best done with a divorce professional that has had the opportunity to witness hundreds of divorcing couples over the course of her career. Call us at (305) 717-7130.

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The Estevez-Pazos Law Firm, P.A.

135 San Lorenzo Avenue, Suite 650
Coral Gables, Florida 33146
Se habla español
Fax: 305-234-7028
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