In January of 2018 a new bill in the state of Florida related to parenting time plans and child support is going to go into effect. As a result, now is the time to get to know what Senate Bill 590 is, what it means to your situation and whether or not you need to hire a family law attorney in Miami for assistance.
The goal of Senate Bill 590 is to help and streamline the process of establishing child support parameters, and creating parenting plans for parents who are not married without them having to go to court.
Rather than having to deal with the courts in the state of Florida, the Senate Bill 590 will authorize the Department of Revenue in the state to work out parenting time plans that have been agreed on by both parents. This is something that is allowed under Title IV-D from the Social Security Act. The Title IV-D is a type of federal public welfare program that helps states enforce a child support program for any parents who are not meeting their responsibilities.
Put simply, when you and your co-parent meet to set up child support based on the Title IV-D order at the Department of Revenue, you will also be provided an optional visitation schedule if you aren’t married to the other parent of your child.
If the bill is beneficial or has a negative effect on your case will depend on your situation. If you are a single mother and trying to get support from the father (or the other way around) you may be surprised to find out that the other person may be able to establish a visitation plan.
Regardless of whether or not you want the other parent involved in the child’s life, they will have the ability to determine if they want visitation.
Keep in mind, you both have to accept the plan. If you don’t, then this will still lead to the case going to court. In many cases, having a family law attorney in Miami helping you every step of the way can be extremely beneficial. Make sure to keep this in mind moving forward.
If you want additional information about the new senate bill and how it may or may not affect your situation, you should contact a family law attorney in Miami. Find out more and ask any questions by contacting the lawyers at the Estevez-Pazos Law Firm by calling 305-717-7130.
Additional Reading:
Enforcing Visitation: The Importance of Establishing Paternity