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Understanding High Asset Divorce Cases in Florida

Having a lot of property and money certainly isn’t a bad thing, and most Florida residents would agree that having a big bank account can help make life a bit more comfortable. However, all this may no longer hold true if you are facing a high asset divorce. When talking about asset division in a divorce, the more assets you own, the more complex the divorce is going to be.

Divorce Cases in Florida

The best thing to do is to hire a divorce attorney in Florida to help ensure your rights are protected. However, understanding about this type of divorce can also be beneficial.

Factors in a High Asset Divorce

There are many factors that come into play with a high-asset divorce. If each of the people has a career, they are going to have their own assets, as well as marital assets. Some of the most common types of assets in these divorces include (but are not limited to):

  • Checking and savings accounts
  • Annuities
  • Investment accounts
  • 401(k) accounts
  • IRA accounts
  • Antiques
  • Works of art
  • Vehicles
  • Investment property

Just with this list, it is clear just how complicated a high asset divorce can become. The good news is that when someone is undergoing a high asset divorce, they are also going to have access to legal services, as well as appraisal, accounting, and other services to make the process of dividing assets as easy and hassle-free as possible.

The High Asset Divorce Process

There are a number of important areas that have to be investigated during high net worth asset division. The first step is for you to record all of your assets. This includes marital assets, as well as your individual property. In some cases, this is more difficult than it seems, especially if it was the other spouse who was in charge of managing financial matters.

After all the information is compiled regarding assets, then the property’s value has to be determined. In many cases, the use of tax accountants, forensic accountants, and expert appraisers will be necessary. In an ideal situation, you will be able to reach a settlement with your ex outside of court based on the information gathered. However, if this is not possible, then it will be necessary for you and your attorney to prepare for litigation in court.

Why an Attorney’s Services are Necessary?

Regardless of the situation, divorce can be a complex and emotional time. However, if you are facing a high asset divorce, then the situation can be even more of a roller coaster. In these cases, having the advice, guidance, and help provided by an attorney is essential. They can help ensure you record all your assets and negotiate to try and help you settle the situation outside of court. Doing this will save both of you money and time.

If additional help and information about handling a high asset divorce is needed, contact the divorce attorneys at Estevez-Pazos Law Firm by calling 305-717-7030. They can help during each step of the divorce process and will be by your side to fight for the best possible outcome to you unique case.

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The Estevez-Pazos Law Firm, P.A.

135 San Lorenzo Avenue, Suite 650
Coral Gables, Florida 33146
Se habla español
Fax: 305-234-7028
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