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Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Time-Sharing Schedule

Going through a divorce can be highly stressful and emotional. Parents with minor children will not only have to go through the divorce process, but they will have to complete a parenting plan that includes time-sharing.

The state of Florida started using the concept of time-sharing to replace the term “custody” in family law cases. They believe that co-parenting is essential and is in the best interests of most children. But, for parents to co-parent successfully, they need long-term time-sharing schedules that allow each parent to create a supportive, nurturing environment for their children.

Time-Sharing Schedule

Today, courts are in favor of equal levels of time-sharing between both parents—as long as both parents can exhibit their capabilities to do so.

After the courts have officially approved a time-sharing arrangement, parents will then establish their “parenting plan” which spells out the relationship expectations of each parent, daily tasks parents will perform while raising the child, and which parent is responsible for important matters such as school, health care, etc.

Also, the parenting plan will include a detailed schedule for time-sharing, which determines how much time each parent will have with the child. These schedules will include things like:

  • Living Schedule - This will outline where the children will live, and how much time each parent will spend with their child during any given week or weekend.
  • Holiday Plan - This will outline how time-sharing will occur on holidays—such as which holidays one parent receives, if parents will alternate years, etc.
  • Summer Plan - Because children are out of school longer in the summer, most parents establish a plan just for that extended time. This will address summer vacations, family trips, etc.

Things to Consider When Establishing a Time-Sharing Plan

To ensure you get the most out of your time-sharing arrangement, you should sit down with your former spouse and develop a schedule together. While it may be difficult to agree 100 percent, the more you discuss it in person, the easier it will be.

If you cannot come to an agreement together, speak with a third party, such as a Miami family law attorney, to help you come to an arrangement.

While you are discussing time-sharing with your former spouse, there are some things you can do to make the process easier, including:

  • Consider the Age of the Child - When creating a time-sharing plan, you need to be realistic and base it on the child’s age.
  • Determine a Transportation Plan - No matter how far you will live from each other, you should establish a plan for how children will get to the other parent, how long it will take, and the drop-off, pick-up plan. You should outline this in your parenting plan so that there are no conflicts about picking up or dropping off later.
  • Keep Children Together -If you have more than one child with your ex, you will want to make sure time-sharing arrangements keep them together. That way, no child feels left out.
  • Create an Agreeable Schedule - No matter what, sit down and create a schedule you both agree on. While it may be difficult, agreeing to the plan and walking away happy will make it easier to implement later on.

Bring in a Miami Family Law Attorney for Assistance

If you are creating a time-sharing schedule or going through the process of revising one, you will want to speak with a family law attorney in Miami. The team at Estevez-Pazos Law Firm can assist you with your case. Call us today at 305-717-7130 to schedule your consultation.

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The Estevez-Pazos Law Firm, P.A.

135 San Lorenzo Avenue, Suite 650
Coral Gables, Florida 33146
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