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A Family Law Attorney in Miami Offers Tips on how to Create a Successful Parenting Plan

If you file for divorce in Miami and have children, at some point you are going to have to create a parenting plan. While a family law attorney in Miami can help with this process, there are a few bits of information that can also be helpful.

family law attorney in Miami

Parenting plans are types of agreements that outline a child custody arrangement. This takes into account factors including who will have the children on certain days and who makes decisions regarding the children’s education and their health. It will also determine what will happen if one of the parent’s situations changes significantly in the future. When parents agree on a parenting plan, rather than letting the court outline custody, they are much more likely to stick with it.

Why a Parenting Plan is a Smart Option and How a Family Law Attorney in Miami can Help

While creating a parenting plan may not seem like something you want to do, there are several advantages offered. After all, you and your child’s other parent know your children best. As a result, you can work together - and even utilize the services offered by your family law attorney in Miami - to create a plan that has everyone’s best interests in mind. If the court is left to make these decisions, it may leave everyone unhappy and dissatisfied.

What Your Family Law Attorney in Miami Will Help You Include in a Parenting Plan

There are several things that should be included in any parenting plan. In special situations, your family law attorney in Miami may suggest that even more details and considerations are put into it. Some of the general items that are included in any parenting plan include:

  • Visitation and amount of time with each parent (this includes the when and where for each visitation).
  • Child support payments (who pays, how much and when).
  • Travel details and expenses if the parents live far apart from one another.
  • Plans regarding how you are going to handle adjustments when they arise.

Keep in mind, parents may wind up back in court if they don’t plan for the future. You should make sure that you include any pertinent information in the parenting plan to prevent future legal issues with your ex-spouse. Your family law attorney can help with these types of details.

If you need assistance with creating a good parenting plan, or need help and advice, it is best to hire a family law attorney in Miami. More information about these plans and how an attorney can help is available when you call the lawyers at the Estevez-Pazos Law Firm by calling 305-717-7130.

Additional Reading

Enforcing Visitation: The Importance of Establishing Paternity

What is a Social Investigation in a Child Custody Case?

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The Estevez-Pazos Law Firm, P.A.

135 San Lorenzo Avenue, Suite 650
Coral Gables, Florida 33146
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Fax: 305-234-7028
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