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Do You Need a Postnup?

Postnuptial AgreementPrenuptial agreements are becoming increasingly common among couples engaged to be married. This is because men and women are both working and are often well into their careers by the time marriage comes around.

A prenup is entered into before the marriage actually takes place, but what is a postnuptial agreement?

Postnups happen after you are already married. Even a happy marriage may benefit from a postnuptial agreement. It could be a sound financial tool that erases out any tensions present in the relationship.

Financial disagreements are a leading cause for divorce in the United States, so if you and your spouse are having issues regarding your finances, then you may want to consider a postnuptial agreement.

The Basics of Postnup

Postnuptial agreements are legal documents signed post-marriage. Whether you have been married two days or two decades, a postnuptial agreement is what you must use after you are legally married.

These agreements are used to protect couples assets and debts before the marriage. This means that anything you acquire pre-marriage will not be subject to a divorce.

By using a postnup, you may be able to relieve financial tensions in the marriage. That is because a postnuptial agreement can:

  • Decide which spouse owns what assets;
  • Set the groundwork for probate court issues;
  • Specify what debts will not be considered joint debts, which is especially helpful if one spouse is in debt before the marriage occurs.

Does a Postnuptial Agreement Save Your Marriage?

If you are having a rocky marriage, do not assume a postnuptial agreement will save your marriage. But, they do help relieve any marital financial tensions.

Also, couples near a breaking point or who are constantly fighting over debts and assets may find a postnuptial agreement helpful. Since their debts and assets in writing and there is no longer a reason to fight.

Also Read: How to Take the Sting Out of a Prenuptial Agreement

Do You Need a Postnuptial Agreement?

It is best to speak to an attorney that specializes in family law in Miami before deciding. An attorney can look at your estate, analyze assets and debts, and then determine if a postnup will help. If you do decide you need a postnuptial agreement, then your attorney can help you draft it.

Contact a Family Law Attorney in Miami Today

Do not let financial arguments ruin your marriage. Contact Estevez-Pazos Law Firm today. We can assist you with your postnuptial agreement negotiations. Contact us today for a no obligation consultation by dialing 305-717-7130.

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The Estevez-Pazos Law Firm, P.A.

135 San Lorenzo Avenue, Suite 650
Coral Gables, Florida 33146
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