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Divorce and Dads: Helpful Tips for Fathers

Divorce and Dads Helpful Tips for FathersFathers have an important role in their children’s lives. The state of Florida recognizes this by providing fathers with the tools and rights they need to establish and maintain paternal relationships.

While fathers have rights and there are laws to protect these rights, it is also beneficial to hire a family law attorney to ensure these rights are protected. An attorney can also provide counsel to fathers who need to find working solutions that protect their interests and the best interests of their children.

Because divorce is often an overwhelming process, it is important for fathers to get to know their rights and what they can do to ensure new plans and circumstances are executed and maintained successfully.

The Father’s Rights

The reputation of family courts is that women are favored in issues that relate to children. However, today, these are assumptions that have been renounced by many courts and judges, giving fathers equal rights and helping to assert their roles in the family unit and the roles they want to have in their children’s lives. As a result, courts are now working to determine the most appropriate parental situation for kids, regardless of the gender of their parents. This includes issues of parenting time, child support, and child custody.

The Effectiveness of Co-Parenting

One of the most important things that dads should focus on after a divorce is co-parenting, regardless of the court rulings. It is important that both parents are conscientious of keeping an amicable relationship with their ex-spouse for the benefit of their kids. When you learn to co-parent effectively, a working parenting plan can be created and maintained – even for families who live far away from one another. Studies have proven that children often fare better when both their parents are involved.

Always Put the Children First

The point of co-parenting is to put the children’s needs and interests first. This should be true for any and all family law issues. Fathers who are unable to set aside their personal issues with their formal spouse are not going to create a good environment for children. The fact is, many divorced dads who can adopt the co-parenting plan, can spend more time with their kids after the divorce, which helps to strengthen the bond they have.

It is also important for fathers to honor commitments and schedules with their kids. This is a key element of providing kids with a sense of security, even after a divorce. Also, making strides to keep to the set schedule and honor the terms of the divorce will help keep the other parent from trying to alter custody or parenting plans or agreements that have been made.

An Attorney Can Help

If you are a father and unsure of what your rights are after a divorce, it may be beneficial to consult with a divorce attorney in Florida. Contact the attorneys at the Estevez-Pazos Law Firm, P.A. by calling 305-717-7130 to learn more about how they can help.

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The Estevez-Pazos Law Firm, P.A.

135 San Lorenzo Avenue, Suite 650
Coral Gables, Florida 33146
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