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6 Heart-Breaking Facts about Divorce

6 Heart-Breaking Facts about Divorce

Unfortunately, the divorce rate and statistics in the United States are shockingly high. The divorce rate is higher today than it has ever been. But why? Here we will look at some facts surrounding divorce as well as the top six reasons for divorce.

Studies show that women are more likely to be discontent in a marriage than men. This might come as a surprise considering many women bear children in a marriage and want to keep a family together rather than separate.

  • 20% of married women report that they have thought about leaving their spouse compared to only 13% of men.
  • 82% of the time one spouse is unaware the other is unhappy.
  • Between the ages of 30 and 39, approximately 70% of individuals marry and approximately 29% of those same individuals also divorce in that age group
  • A divorce happens every thirty-six seconds
  • A typical divorce costs between $15,000 and $20,000.

So what are the most common reasons for divorce? Many have to do with the typical reasons such as infidelity and abuse, but those are only two reasons.

Also Read : How Complicated is Your Divorce?

Here are six of the most common reasons for a marriage to end:

  1. Infidelity – adultery, lack of trust in a partnership, etc.
  2. Inattentive spouse – lack of attention to one’s partner’s needs, wants, desires; the inability to compromise
  3. Frustration in the partnership – the inability to solve differences or reach a compromise
  4. Incompatibility – Some just marry the wrong person or marry for the wrong reasons.
  5. Emotional abuse – Abuse is a common reason for divorce and can range from physical, emotional, and even sexual.
  6. Financial priorities – The inability to gain control of finances and work towards similar financial goals is a huge reason for divorce.

If you are considering divorce, it may be helpful to discuss your issues and legal options with a divorce attorney. Contact the Estevez-Pazos Law Firm today to find out how our team of family law attorneys can assist you in your divorce.

No divorce is easy—no matter how long you were married. Contact a compassionate and understanding top divorce attorney today. Call the Estevez-Pazos Law Firm today at 305-717-7130.

Also Read : What Florida’s No-Fault Laws Mean for a Divorce

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The Estevez-Pazos Law Firm, P.A.

135 San Lorenzo Avenue, Suite 650
Coral Gables, Florida 33146
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