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4 Life Events that May Put You at Higher Risk of Getting a Divorce

There are countless reasons couples in Florida and across the country seek a divorce. However, certain life events can cause a higher level of stress, negatively impacting couples that were functioning relatively well before.

The stress you experience in your life can increase substantially when you experience the following life events. In some situations, your marriage may not be able to withstand all this new pressure. The more you and your spouse struggle with the life events, the higher the divorce risk goes.

Significant Job Change

According to the findings of a study from Ohio State University, men who were unemployed had a higher likelihood to leave their wives, but they were also more likely to be left by their wives.

When one or both partners loses their job, the stress level may go up significantly due to new concerns related to money, responsibilities, and security. Over time, these worries may transfer over and become marital dissatisfaction and resentment.

Changing jobs and taking on more responsibility at work may increase the stress in the home and marriage, as well. This can result in increased tension between you and your spouse.


Regardless of if you gave birth to a child with a disability or if one or both partners suffered an injury in an accident, disabilities can change everyone’s lives in a huge way. Giving help to a family member who is disabled also requires financial support, energy and quite a bit of time. This can impact a marriage negatively.

According to a study from Iowa State University, divorce rates were six percent higher in marriages where the wife suffered a chronic illness such as lung disease, cancer or heart disease. However, divorce rates did not go up when husbands were in bad health.

If a disability has impacted your marriage, you shouldn’t beat yourself up. The loss of a paycheck and the need for greater care can create a significant amount of stress for a couple. Instead of getting upset, consider whether or not you are committed to making things work or if it is best to go your separate ways.


Traumatic events can make things more difficult for your marriage even when the event has passed. The death of a family member or child can be extremely challenging for a marriage that was stable and happy before the traumatic event. Trauma can also be hard for children.


A lack of trust and infidelity can also trigger the breakdown of a marriage. However, in some cases, recognizing the issues in the relationship and enrolling in counseling can be helpful to getting partners back on the same page and help them remember their marital goals. However, some couples cannot recover after an affair.

If you are thinking about filing for divorce and have questions, it is best to consult with a divorce attorney in Florida. More information about divorce and how to file can be found by contacting the attorneys at the Estevez-Pazos Law Firm by calling 305+717-7130.

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The Estevez-Pazos Law Firm, P.A.

135 San Lorenzo Avenue, Suite 650
Coral Gables, Florida 33146
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